Spring Break is here -- YAY!!! -- and today was a beautiful day to fly and go meet, for the first time, my air race partner, whom I felt I've known for much longer than two months. Her flight was due in at 1240, so I was up early and was able to get a lot of necessary things accomplished before heading to the airport. I figured if I left KTOP at 1145 with 35-40 minutes enroute, I'd be there in plenty of time. Well, five minutes from the airport I received a phone call from Athina; she had already arrived as she was able to catch an earlier flight. I panicked for a moment, because I thought, "now she'd have to wait for another hour, at least." But, she was so gracious and apologetic -- I really liked that about her. She said, "Joyce, take your time, don't rush, don't do anything different, I'm here early and I'm fine -- I have plenty to do while I wait." What a relief that was! I proceeded to the airport, conducted a normal preflight, got fueled up, and departed at 1215. I picked up VFR flight following to Kansas City International and proceeded direct on course. It was a little hazy at altitude, but the flight was wonderful, punctuated by a nice little tailwind. I was cleared into KC International Class BRAVO airspace and moments later handed off to KCI approach. I got a little off course (heading south towards the MCI VOR) when the controller came on to verify what airport I was intending to land at. When I told him International, he KINDLY informed me that I was headed for KC Downtown. "Ooops," I said, "sorry, I was tracking to the VOR." "It's ok," he said, "turn north to heading 010, and I'll vector you for 19R." How gracious he was!!! When I had the airport in sight, I informed the controller and he directed me to tower frequency. When I checked in, the controller stated: "Rwy 9 is straight ahead: are you in a position to land there?" "Affirmative," I said, "I'll take Rwy 9." He informed me that winds were from 190 (that was a direct crosswind), and would that be ok. I told him yes, that was ok. I figured, I just had crosswind practice last week, so GO FOR IT!!! even if you are at the international airport in KS: it's just an airport with hundreds of commercial airliners :-). Anyway, I executed the straight-in approach and crosswind landing ALMOST flawlessly (on touchdown, I forgot to keep the upwind aeileron into the wind -- no harm, no foul, though), turned left off the first high-speed taxiway, cleaned up the airplane, and proceeded with a progressive taxi to Executive Beechcraft/Signature FBO. The controllers were awesome to me for my first time going into Kansas City International alone -- they welcomed this little ol' 180 hp flying machine right along with "the Big Boys." When I arrived at Signature, there was Athina waiting patiently with this huge, welcoming smile. I knew immediately that "TEAM BESSIE" was going to be a force to be reckoned with as we "hit it off right" the very first moment of our meeting!
We chatted for a bit, took a few photos, paid the $28.00 "handling fee" (OUCH!!! -- it was either that or a minimum seven gallons of fuel at $7.72/gal --YIKES!!!), and headed out to "The Joybird" for our flight back to Topeka. After obtaining our flight and taxi clearances, it was the "cutest" thing to find ourselves sandwiched between two Southwest 707s on Taxiway B, heading for our Rwy 19R departure. Now, that's really hanging out with the Big Boys "fur shur!":-). Our flight back to KTOP was our first session of practicing our cockpit/crew resource management (CRM) and WE definitely operated together like a well-oiled machine. I can hardly wait for "Team Bessie" to debut at the 2011 Air Race Classic. Look out girls, here we come! :-)...Joyce
We chatted for a bit, took a few photos, paid the $28.00 "handling fee" (OUCH!!! -- it was either that or a minimum seven gallons of fuel at $7.72/gal --YIKES!!!), and headed out to "The Joybird" for our flight back to Topeka. After obtaining our flight and taxi clearances, it was the "cutest" thing to find ourselves sandwiched between two Southwest 707s on Taxiway B, heading for our Rwy 19R departure. Now, that's really hanging out with the Big Boys "fur shur!":-). Our flight back to KTOP was our first session of practicing our cockpit/crew resource management (CRM) and WE definitely operated together like a well-oiled machine. I can hardly wait for "Team Bessie" to debut at the 2011 Air Race Classic. Look out girls, here we come! :-)...Joyce
I am so EXCITED, I just made it to the Signature FBO in KMCI -- YIPPEE!!!! I thought I'd sit back and relax in the comfy environment (so exclusive from the large airport terminals I'm used to) but, I keep looking out of the window praying for a glimpse of The Joybird landing. Well, I didn't quite catch her landing as she ended up arriving on Rwy 09 instead of Rwy 19R where the FBO sits. But, I do catch a glimpse of her high speed taxi ....and there she is...being marshalled in to the Signature parking ramp. Now, the final up close and personal meeting of my teammate. Oh Joy. Literally!!! Joyce is everything I envisioned and more...friendly, smart, enthusiastic and TINY!!! She's a DOLL. We're going to get along just great. It's time to take flight as we set out to our home base KTOP (Philip Billard Airport Topeka, Kansas). We have lots of Air Race organizing and planning to do. I hope Joyce has some good Thai food in her neighborhood. I'm ready for some takeout!...Athina