It's 0450 in the morning here in the hotel in Iowa City, and I'm up trying to play catch up with my blog; there is so much I want to mention, even about our trip to Tuskegee a few weeks ago, but time keeps "flying by" and it's been difficult to sit still and get these thoughts down. On the other hand, Athina is the consummate blogger and I love her for that; keeping you all updated on the happenings and goings-on of "Team Bessie." If it weren't for her, you'd be left in the dark or at least getting some old, old, news; ~~ THANKS, Athina. And, oh-by-the-way, did I mention: she is an AWESOME PILOT!!! ~~ she can take and fly "The Joybird" any day she'd like :-)!!!
When "Team Bessie" went to the Tuskegee Fly-In, I had the privilege of taking eight female Marine Corps/Navy Jr. ROTC cadets from St. Louis up flying around the pattern at Moton Field. For most of them, that was ALL they wanted, but it was something they had never experienced, and who knows, that little thrill may have been the spark to ignite a passion or desire to know and experience more in the vast field of aviation. There was a little girl (six or seven yrs old) there with her mom and dad who wanted to go up for a flight, but she kept getting overlooked in favor of the 'teens in uniform.' After landing with two cadets, her dad approached me and inquired as to whether the flights were only for the cadets because his little girl wanted to go up really bad. I told him I would take her up with one of the cadets. "No, dad; I want to go up with you." Well, after taking up one more set of cadet girls, 'little girl' and dad climbed aboard "The Joybird", put on their headsets, and we were off. When I looked back, the joy, thrill, and excitement on 'little girl's' face was priceless. I had to do a 'go-around' after my first attempt to land, and asked if they were comfortable with it. 'Little girl' was thrilled to be able to stay up a little longer; she looked just like a seasoned aviator in that back seat:-). When we landed, the look in her eyes said it all: "Dad, when I get older, you're gonna have to buy me an airplane!" I'm CERTAIN a future aviator was born that day!!!:-). That's what flying is all about for Team Bessie: reaching out and sharing the wonder, gift, and joy of flight with as many of 'our little girls' as we possibly can :-).
Our time at the Tuskegee Fly-In was a success!!! We finished the day having made new friends, garnering several supporters for our upcoming air race, and being the impetus for many young girls to experience flight for their very first time. Tuskegee was definitely a trip worth taking!...Joyce
When "Team Bessie" went to the Tuskegee Fly-In, I had the privilege of taking eight female Marine Corps/Navy Jr. ROTC cadets from St. Louis up flying around the pattern at Moton Field. For most of them, that was ALL they wanted, but it was something they had never experienced, and who knows, that little thrill may have been the spark to ignite a passion or desire to know and experience more in the vast field of aviation. There was a little girl (six or seven yrs old) there with her mom and dad who wanted to go up for a flight, but she kept getting overlooked in favor of the 'teens in uniform.' After landing with two cadets, her dad approached me and inquired as to whether the flights were only for the cadets because his little girl wanted to go up really bad. I told him I would take her up with one of the cadets. "No, dad; I want to go up with you." Well, after taking up one more set of cadet girls, 'little girl' and dad climbed aboard "The Joybird", put on their headsets, and we were off. When I looked back, the joy, thrill, and excitement on 'little girl's' face was priceless. I had to do a 'go-around' after my first attempt to land, and asked if they were comfortable with it. 'Little girl' was thrilled to be able to stay up a little longer; she looked just like a seasoned aviator in that back seat:-). When we landed, the look in her eyes said it all: "Dad, when I get older, you're gonna have to buy me an airplane!" I'm CERTAIN a future aviator was born that day!!!:-). That's what flying is all about for Team Bessie: reaching out and sharing the wonder, gift, and joy of flight with as many of 'our little girls' as we possibly can :-).
Our time at the Tuskegee Fly-In was a success!!! We finished the day having made new friends, garnering several supporters for our upcoming air race, and being the impetus for many young girls to experience flight for their very first time. Tuskegee was definitely a trip worth taking!...Joyce