Athina will be coming to Kansas on March 21st during my spring break from school/teaching (YAY!!!) so that we can finally meet in person, do some serious planning for our "great air adventure" in 104 days, and fly. She'll be flying into Kansas City International (MCI), so I flew there IFR for the 1st time on Monday to "practice" picking her up. My instructor went with me, so I was able to fly and practice the ILS Rwy 19R approach under the hood as well as spending about 30 minutes in "actual" IMC. It was a great flight and great training, too; thanks, Dean!
I am so looking forward to her visit, getting to know her better, developing with her our strategy and game plan for the ARC, and then do some flying. Who knows -- this may be just the springboard we need to launch our own little airline :-). So, stay tuned...Joyce
Wow! Joyce is going to be a great teammate because she's ahead of the game. Practicing approaches just to ensure my arrival pick up goes without fault, talk about staying ahead of the airplane...YES! It's been awhile since I've been to Kansas City and I'm looking forward to the trip. I'm especially excited about meeting "The JOYBIRD!" Oh, and Joyce & MaxRudder (her pooch), too (lol). I love that airplane already...Athina
I am so looking forward to her visit, getting to know her better, developing with her our strategy and game plan for the ARC, and then do some flying. Who knows -- this may be just the springboard we need to launch our own little airline :-). So, stay tuned...Joyce
Wow! Joyce is going to be a great teammate because she's ahead of the game. Practicing approaches just to ensure my arrival pick up goes without fault, talk about staying ahead of the airplane...YES! It's been awhile since I've been to Kansas City and I'm looking forward to the trip. I'm especially excited about meeting "The JOYBIRD!" Oh, and Joyce & MaxRudder (her pooch), too (lol). I love that airplane already...Athina