It's Friday morning and we're WAITING, AGAIN, for the taxi to come to take us to the West Memphis airport to fly this last leg down to Tuskegee. We arrive at the airport, I order the fuel and get a weather briefing, while Athina, packs and preflights "The Joybird." I'm also chatting with a Memphis FSDO (Flight Standards District Office) guy who is gleefully demonstrating all the "aviation bells and whistles" that populate his new IPad. He eagerly looked up the weather and airport data for me for our intended route of flight and I must say, receiving all that aviation info, literally, with just a few taps on the screen, made me want to run right out, 'dis' my Garmin 396, and join the league of IPad owners :-). NOT SO FAST, Ms. Parker; that "396" has taken you and "The Joybird" in and out of lots of airport destinations :-). So, Athina and I just decided that WHEN we win the Air Race Classic, we'll each add new IPads as "necessary" equipment items to our flight bags:-).
The weather is pretty overcast at 2000 ft. but, the ceiling's high enough that we can take off and fly the route VFR. West Memphis Airport is located under the Memphis Class B shelf, so we decided to fly due south about 10 miles, request VFR flight following east to Holly Springs, them make our way east-southeast via Tupelo, Tuscaloosa, and on into Tuskegee. After about an hour into the flight, the weather cleared up quite nicely, and when we arrived at Tuskegee, we were so thankful for the beautiful blue skies and tailwinds all the way that got us there safely!!!...Joyce
The weather is pretty overcast at 2000 ft. but, the ceiling's high enough that we can take off and fly the route VFR. West Memphis Airport is located under the Memphis Class B shelf, so we decided to fly due south about 10 miles, request VFR flight following east to Holly Springs, them make our way east-southeast via Tupelo, Tuscaloosa, and on into Tuskegee. After about an hour into the flight, the weather cleared up quite nicely, and when we arrived at Tuskegee, we were so thankful for the beautiful blue skies and tailwinds all the way that got us there safely!!!...Joyce
It's 3:05 pm and we've finally made it to the Historical Moton Field Municipal Airport -- YIPPEE!!! :-). I'm so EXCITED to participate in such an honorable and worthwhile event, I'll just let the welcome sign speak for itself.........
Oh, and one more thing. I better let Joyce tell you all about our little (let's just call it) pre-Moton field landing... SHHHHHHHH......too FUNNY!!!! That better NOT happen during the Air Race... Athina
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot :-)). Athina, you had to bring that up, HUH? :-). Well, I guess we were so eager to get to Tuskegee, that I "mistook" Reese Field (41A) on the GPS for Moton Field (06A). I mean, it was right there at my "12:0'clock" position and I even made a straight-in landing on Rwy 13 (same runway I planned to land on at Moton Field!) But, after landing and seeing not another soul or airplane, we both were silently wondering, "what kind of podunk fly-in is this going to be that we've come all the way from Topeka for?" I cleared the runway and taxiied down to the ramp/building where there was NO ONE/NOTHING in sight. I looked down at my GPS, saw where the little airplane was positioned, saw where Moton Field was positioned on the map, and they were NOT in the same location :-). I looked at Athina, who had already had her headsets off, ready to get out and go eat, and mouthed/motioned, "we are not at Tuskegee." "WHAT!!!" she exclaimed. I said, "This is not quite Moton Field," pointing to the 'REAL' Moton Field on the GPS and the Moton Field 'look-a-like' 10 miles west. NO WORRIES, though; I can always use the landing practice :-). Anyway, we taxiied our way back to the approach end of Rwy 13, took off, and in less than 8 minutes , we were announcing our intentions to land at the 'REAL' Moton Field. When I heard Sylvester Williams, the manager of Golden Eagle Aviation, come on the CTAF and say, "Is that you Miss Parker? " I knew we could finally document our paperwork, "MC" - mission complete! And I promise, I've got all those UNINTENDED landings out of my system; that WON'T happen during Air Race Classic :-)...Joyce
Oh, yeah, I almost forgot :-)). Athina, you had to bring that up, HUH? :-). Well, I guess we were so eager to get to Tuskegee, that I "mistook" Reese Field (41A) on the GPS for Moton Field (06A). I mean, it was right there at my "12:0'clock" position and I even made a straight-in landing on Rwy 13 (same runway I planned to land on at Moton Field!) But, after landing and seeing not another soul or airplane, we both were silently wondering, "what kind of podunk fly-in is this going to be that we've come all the way from Topeka for?" I cleared the runway and taxiied down to the ramp/building where there was NO ONE/NOTHING in sight. I looked down at my GPS, saw where the little airplane was positioned, saw where Moton Field was positioned on the map, and they were NOT in the same location :-). I looked at Athina, who had already had her headsets off, ready to get out and go eat, and mouthed/motioned, "we are not at Tuskegee." "WHAT!!!" she exclaimed. I said, "This is not quite Moton Field," pointing to the 'REAL' Moton Field on the GPS and the Moton Field 'look-a-like' 10 miles west. NO WORRIES, though; I can always use the landing practice :-). Anyway, we taxiied our way back to the approach end of Rwy 13, took off, and in less than 8 minutes , we were announcing our intentions to land at the 'REAL' Moton Field. When I heard Sylvester Williams, the manager of Golden Eagle Aviation, come on the CTAF and say, "Is that you Miss Parker? " I knew we could finally document our paperwork, "MC" - mission complete! And I promise, I've got all those UNINTENDED landings out of my system; that WON'T happen during Air Race Classic :-)...Joyce