Today as we set out for some flying, our intentions were to make a hop to one of the 2011 ARC airports - KGBD (Great Bend, Kansas), 145 nm from Topeka. The weather was looking just a little ominous, but according to the weather briefing, it seemed as if it would be o.k. to fly. We pulled the plane out of the hangar, conducted a detailed preflight so Athina could become familiar with "The Joybird," and ended by smiling for the camera. And then, lo and behold, the dark gray clouds began descending while the winds increased significantly (there was a tornado watch in effect, you know ;-)). One of the critical elements of flying is aeronautical decision making (ADM). Upon checking the weather again, we realized the ceilings were below visual flight rules (VFR) minimums. We looked at each other over the cowling of the aircraft and our eyes said it all: "THIS IS A NO GO!" [laughing]. At that point, our ADM resulted in "Joybird Out and Joybird Back In". Oh well, tomorrow's another day... Joyce & Athina
"Even NO flying is work -- PUSH!!!" "Joybird back in -- PUSH!!!"