One of the main purposes for Athina and I flying to Tuskegee was to get Athina checked out in "The Joybird." Our plan was to leave at 0800 with the hopes of touching down at Topeka (KTOP) by 1500. It was a BEAUTIFUL flying day; now all we needed was tailwinds. We had a direct tailwind coming southeast on Thursday, even after our delay in Butler, so we anticipated having headwinds going back. But, prior to our trip, one of my humble requests to the Lord was if He would favor us with tailwinds going both ways, if it was His will. Well, guess what? IT WAS, because we had a direct tailwind for the whole trip going back to Topeka on Sunday!!! Praise the Lord! God cares about the details of our lives, and He's certainly in control of the weather, so all we did was just asked Him, and He answered with a "yes, Joyce you can have your tailwinds; thank you very much, Dear Lord! :-)
We got to the airport at 0745, had "The Joybird" refueled, took departing pictures with the awesome staff at Golden Eagle aviation, obtained a "comprehensive" weather briefing from Montgomery FSS ('severe clear' would have been sufficient :-)), loaded and preflighted "The Joybird," and Athina was ready to take Runway 13 at 0825. I flew the leg down, so she had prepared herself to fly the whole leg back: approx. six hours. Our technique was for me to read the checklist and she would do the actions. All the critical airspeeds are posted, but using our CRM, I would call out the airspeeds and she would fly accordingly. After taking the runway and verifying her heading, Athina flawlessly executed her first takeoff in "The Joybird;" ~~ picture perfect!!!
We got to the airport at 0745, had "The Joybird" refueled, took departing pictures with the awesome staff at Golden Eagle aviation, obtained a "comprehensive" weather briefing from Montgomery FSS ('severe clear' would have been sufficient :-)), loaded and preflighted "The Joybird," and Athina was ready to take Runway 13 at 0825. I flew the leg down, so she had prepared herself to fly the whole leg back: approx. six hours. Our technique was for me to read the checklist and she would do the actions. All the critical airspeeds are posted, but using our CRM, I would call out the airspeeds and she would fly accordingly. After taking the runway and verifying her heading, Athina flawlessly executed her first takeoff in "The Joybird;" ~~ picture perfect!!!
Athina flew "The Joybird" as if she'd been flying it for years; it seemed effortless for her. Since we don't have "GEORGE" (an autopilot), handflying for any length of time can be quite tiring. Athina kept the plane trimmed and she was getting more and more comfortable as the trip progressed. The winds were picking up as we were approaching Memphis, and as were cleared into Memphis Class B airspace and approaching West Memphis Arpt (KAWM) our intended fuel stop, Athina was flying "The Joybird" with as much muscle as she could muster. We flew over Memphis International, and once we had KAWM in sight, our flight following was terminated and we announced our landing intentions into West Memphis.
The real test was about to come ~~ Athina's first landing from the right seat! I mean, I've NEVER even landed my own airplane from the right seat!!! I again helped Athina get set up for landing by controlling her power settings, calling out her headings, altitude, airspeeds, and making radio calls; I just wanted her to concentrate on making the landing. When she turned final, the winds were from 170 at 16 gusting to 22 (we were landing on Rwy 17 ~~ thank you, again, Dear Lord:-)).
Athina was lined up perfectly with the extended centerline and she managed her descent as if she were flying the glidescope. I understand the characteristics of "The Joybird" so I talked her through the level off and flare keeping power in all the way to the runway threshhold. It was a little new for Athina, but she executed a FANTASTIC 1st landing from the right seat ~~ WUNDERBAR!!!! Guaranteed, I couldn've pulled that off myself!!! We had "The Joybird" refueled, she stopped to get her favorite airport snack ~~ good ol' Orville Reddenbacker ~~ and in no time, we were back in the cockpit, ready to fly that last 2.5 hour leg to Topeka. Arriving in Topeka Class D airspace, I announced our presence and intentions and once Athina descended and maneuvered to enter the pattern on the base leg, we were cleared to land Rwy 18. This was a perfect repeat of her previous landing (deja vu here) and in short order, Athina "greased" the landing and planted "The Joybird" back on 'terra firma' short enough where we could turn off at the first taxiway; BRAVO, Girlfriend!!! No matter how well you fly, you are rated on your landings ~~ Athina's grade: A+ :-). So, Athina, what do you have to say for yourself? "Yeah, I got this!!!! :-)).
Alls I can say is "ATHINA SHO' CAN FLY AN AIRPLANE!!!" and I'm VERY THANKFUL to be flying with the best copilot in the 2011 Women's Air Race Classic!!! :-)...Joyce
Athina was lined up perfectly with the extended centerline and she managed her descent as if she were flying the glidescope. I understand the characteristics of "The Joybird" so I talked her through the level off and flare keeping power in all the way to the runway threshhold. It was a little new for Athina, but she executed a FANTASTIC 1st landing from the right seat ~~ WUNDERBAR!!!! Guaranteed, I couldn've pulled that off myself!!! We had "The Joybird" refueled, she stopped to get her favorite airport snack ~~ good ol' Orville Reddenbacker ~~ and in no time, we were back in the cockpit, ready to fly that last 2.5 hour leg to Topeka. Arriving in Topeka Class D airspace, I announced our presence and intentions and once Athina descended and maneuvered to enter the pattern on the base leg, we were cleared to land Rwy 18. This was a perfect repeat of her previous landing (deja vu here) and in short order, Athina "greased" the landing and planted "The Joybird" back on 'terra firma' short enough where we could turn off at the first taxiway; BRAVO, Girlfriend!!! No matter how well you fly, you are rated on your landings ~~ Athina's grade: A+ :-). So, Athina, what do you have to say for yourself? "Yeah, I got this!!!! :-)).
Alls I can say is "ATHINA SHO' CAN FLY AN AIRPLANE!!!" and I'm VERY THANKFUL to be flying with the best copilot in the 2011 Women's Air Race Classic!!! :-)...Joyce