Oh, the anticipation of doing the fly-by (first things first, we're still here to race and WIN!!), spruce up the make-up, and meet the living heir of Queen Bessie... Dr. Jilda Motley, great niece of the Historic Bessie Coleman! Dr. Motley and her husband, Herman, greeted us at the Oklahoma University Airport with open arms. Joyce whispered to me, "she looks so much like Bessie, she's beautiful." I replied, "yes she is." We were both in awe of this woman who continues to keep her great-aunt's legacy alive.
It was an honor chatting with Dr. Motley about her relation's to Bessie Coleman (her paternal grandmother is Bessie's sister), and future plans the family has to obtain rights to their heritage. She even mentioned a movie deal in the works. Could there be a part in it for Joyce and me.....? Ok, Ok, "Bessie Bloggers," you know that's me talking, so just a small part in it for me :-).
The finale: Dr. Motley wearing a beautiful sky blue Bessie Coleman "Continue The Legacy" t-Shirt. I couldn't allow our meeting to end without a photo op. We all gathered together (along with Marian P. Brown, Academic Advisor Department of Aviation University of Oklahoma) for pictures.
Joyce and I are proud to represent Dr. Motley's family in the Air Race Classic. We will honor her spirit and hold it dear as we cross the finish line. Upon our departure, Dr. Motley mentioned that she and her husband would stay and watch "Team Bessie" take flight. The gleam in her eyes and joyous smile assured me that she is quite proud of us, too... Athina