It's been a while since Team Bessie has posted, but, don't let that concern you. We've been "frantically" preparing behind the scenes in anticipation of the starting gun at 08:00 am on the morning of June 21st, a mere 29 days away. OH MY WORD!!!!, there's SO MUCH to think about and get accomplished!!!!; thank goodness for checklists! :-). Athina has been flying lots of trips (I wish I were a flight attendant ;-)) and I'm winding down my school year -- grading papers and giving final exams with only two school days left. Then it's full steam ahead with target "2011 Women's Air Race Classic" squarely in our sights :-).
Athina and I, along with "The Joybird" will make our debut as "Team Bessie" at the 44th Annual Memorial Day Weekend Tuskegee Airman Fly-In, Moton Field (06A), Tuskegee, AL on Friday, 27 May 2011. If you are attending the fly-in, please stop by and visit with us -- we'd love to share our vision, goals, and the excitement we're feeling as we embark on this fantastic air racing adventure!
Once we return on Monday, 30 May, we will be in the throes of final preparation for 2011 ARC: maintenance checkout of "The Joybird;" obtaining all the current charts and airport facility directories; ensuring every "t" is crossed and "i" is dotted on the paperwork; reviewing all the rules and regulations AGAIN; contacting VIP that will be key to our success; making hotel reservations; and mentally shifting into high gear for competitive women's air racing -- WHEW!!! :-)
So, continue to journey with "Team Bessie" and we'll be certain to keep you apprised of our progress and success as we keep our "eyes on the prize" and race towards the 2011 ARC goal line!!!...Joyce
Athina and I, along with "The Joybird" will make our debut as "Team Bessie" at the 44th Annual Memorial Day Weekend Tuskegee Airman Fly-In, Moton Field (06A), Tuskegee, AL on Friday, 27 May 2011. If you are attending the fly-in, please stop by and visit with us -- we'd love to share our vision, goals, and the excitement we're feeling as we embark on this fantastic air racing adventure!
Once we return on Monday, 30 May, we will be in the throes of final preparation for 2011 ARC: maintenance checkout of "The Joybird;" obtaining all the current charts and airport facility directories; ensuring every "t" is crossed and "i" is dotted on the paperwork; reviewing all the rules and regulations AGAIN; contacting VIP that will be key to our success; making hotel reservations; and mentally shifting into high gear for competitive women's air racing -- WHEW!!! :-)
So, continue to journey with "Team Bessie" and we'll be certain to keep you apprised of our progress and success as we keep our "eyes on the prize" and race towards the 2011 ARC goal line!!!...Joyce